Sunday, December 3, 2017

Welcome to Advent

Dear friends (and those who may have stumbled upon this blog),    
If you've joined me the last few (8!) years, then you’re are probably familiar with Advent. But for any new readers, this will serve as an introduction: 

In latin the word "adventus" means "coming." Within the context of western Christianity, Advent is the season of four weeks leading up to Christmas--the celebration of Christ's birth. It is a time of joyful expectation and preparation. The four weeks are marked by the four Sundays, on which the candles of the Advent wreath are lit. 

The first candle is traditionally the candle of Hope, followed by Peace, Love, and Joy.  However, with so many church traditions comes a variety of names for each candle. Usually they are organized around characters or themes as a way to unfold the story and direct attention to the celebrations and worship in the season. So, the sequence might be Prophecy, Bethlehem, Shepherds, Angels; Expectation, Annunciation, Proclamation, Fulfillment; or  Prophets, John the Baptist, Mary, the Magi.

This year, I want to focus on the four themes of Expectation, Annunciation, Proclamation, and Fulfillment, but with a slight variation.

For four short weeks every year, we stop and see—with amazing clarity—God’s miraculous hand shaping the trajectory of human history. I have a hard time seeing this kind of perspective in daily life. Even with grace flowing, I am so often numb to the repercussions of Christ’s advent in my own life. Oh, to have the faith of those like Anna and Simeon, who waited unswervingly for God’s promise!

Like them, the characters leading up in Christ's birth—indeed, his ancestors themselves—are some of my favorite people in Scripture. Their lives were made richer because of what the Lord accomplished through their simple, God-fearing faith. I am not too different from them, yet so many things fog my hope in this kind of divine operation.

So this year I am going to use the four themes of Advent and take a deeper look at some of these key players in Jesus' lineage. As I live so much of my own life in expectation, I can’t see a better example than those who lived and longed for a Savior with such courage and zeal.

I’m glad you get to join me on the journey!


  1. Looking forward to following along on the Advent journey. I need reminders to slow down and wait with expectation.


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