Friday, December 20, 2013

Reflections on "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" by Elisabeth Elliot

In the dark streets shineth the everlasting Light—the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight. Why not with trumpet blasts? Wouldn’t you expect that the coming of the King of kings would be with trumpet blasts, with royal proclamations and fanfare and maybe camel trains and pomp and ceremony—and who knows what other kinds of ceremony, celebration?

It was a strange method for God to choose. But God is in the business of doing things in ways we never imagine. He moves in what seems to us, twilight. In the dimness we have to make our decisions. We would like to have a star of Bethlehem to guide us, wouldn't we? Oh, how many times I've wished that God would give me something as unequivocal as a star of Bethlehem, or handwriting on the wall, or a pillar of fire to guide me.

But God doesn't do it that way, does He? Most of the time, walking by faith means walking in a certain degree of dimness where we have to make our decisions and act and obey. And it's only the next morning that we can look back and understand.”

- Elisabeth Elliot

1 comment:

  1. Or the next month, or the next year, or the next decade.....


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